Jockey Club Harmony Link Domestic Violence Prevention Centre is the first of its kind in Hong Kong and commenced services in 2006 with funding from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. The Centre provides one-stop integrated services for families affected by domestic violence.
Service Contents
- Case Counselling
- Hotline Counseling
- Group Work
- Supportive Services
- School-based Services
- Community Outreaching Services
- Community Education Programmes
- Professional Trainings
- Volunteer Trainings
- Advocacy Work
- Media Relations
- Abused Women
- Women Using Force
- Male Batterers
- Male Victims
- Abused Children
- Children Witnessing Domestic Violence
- Parents
- Students
- Professionals
- Social Welfare Agency
- Education Institutes
Service Boundary
- Self-approach through
2342 0072
- Referral by social worker or other professionals
Service Project